Starting a Jewelry business: Digitalizing to get flood of sales

Starting a jewelry business online is no longer a choice but a MUST because online jewelry sales are growing seriously, like 5-6% each year. This means that you can still make your jewels at home but sell them all over the world.
May 3, 2024

Starting a jewelry business online is no longer a choice but a MUST because online jewelry sales are growing seriously, like 5-6% each year.

This means that you can still make your jewels at home but sell them all over the world.

Let’s go step by step and see how jewelry companies are doing digital marketing these years.

Brainstorm a jewelry name

Like in every other business, also jewelry companies need a name that will be easier to remember and recognize.

You can choose a name that’s not related to your business, a name that doesn’t describe what your business is about like “Swarovski”. Or you can name it as “Diamond Shop” and show the people that you sell jewels.

Make it simple, easily to remember and searchable. You also want your domain name to be the same with your brand name. Because the easier they can remember the domain name, the more they will visit your website.

Understand your audience

Starting a jewelry business requires researching your audience first. Find out who they are, where are they living, and how old are they? These are some of the most important things you should know about your clients.

When you know all of these things you can create your product according to their desires and interests and price it very properly.

You can easily decide if you’re going to sell very expensive jewels or create cheap jewels that even teens could buy.

If you find this process very difficult, UIXlabs team can help you to research and define your audience. Just send popup in the chat for a Free consultation.

Starting a jewelry business with unique brand and logo

This is the part where you give a personality to your business. Jewelry companies should create their own color palette so they can look consistent across every online and offline touchpoint with the customers.

Nowadays people expect the brands to be consistent on every social platform, so you shouldn’t exclude this part, but make it a priority.

Create a well-optimized website

Now when your business is ready to be launched online, it’s a smart decision to start with a website. Because of its importance, you have to create it very well, so the visitors don’t get lost when they come onto it.

Starting a jewelry business requires having a homepage that welcomes your potential customers. It has to be very simple and clear so people can easily find what they’re looking for. You have to create a category page for product collections you have as: necklace, rings, bracelets and put their link to the homepage.

This is how it should look like:

To lead people to these category pages you can make a campaign for a holiday: for eg. Valentine’s day, with a message for boys to buy something special for their special people. Don’t be afraid to be creative and to show the world a new message, touching their pain points.

This also requires knowing your audience very well and if they are ready to buy.

In category pages, you should have product pages, where you put a specific product with all its characteristics. Simply, everything your client wants to know about it.

Starting a jewelry business

can be difficult and very easy. It depends on you. If you want to make this path easier for you, let’s start with resolving your website’s problem with creating a brand new website with all optimized features in it.

Create win-win online strategy when starting a jewelry business

This means give something in order to receive, and that’s the moment when you and your clients are all happy together. How can you do that?

Make some promotions like pay 1, take 2. It seems old-school but believe me it works very well. In this way you make people happy and talk about you with their friends in a positive way. It also gives you a chance for getting new clients.

Launching it online

Besides your website, starting a jewelry business on Social Media is a must. But it’s not all about creating profiles on each social platform and staying passive. But, you have to post consistently and very often, so people can not just learn about your product, but hear from you, if possible everyday. And, when they finally get ready to buy, they think about your brand first.

Don’t be afraid to support your competitors. Social media is about socializing, so you can make relationships and then ask them for a collaboration. Their clients will become your clients too.

Give some free products to influencers that are popular to your audience, and let them make a promotion.

Both organic and paid promotions on every social media should seem very natural, so people don’t feel like they have to give money to you. Don’t always look like selling but give something free in order to get loyal customers that would gladly buy your products.

Give us your email if you want our team to create perfect branded accounts on social platforms you want to be launched to.

Search engine optimization

You don’t want to stay behind your competitors when starting a jewelry business and be on the 2nd or 3rd page on Google that no one visits. That’s why you should choose your keywords smartly.

Research which keywords your potential clients use when they search for products like yours, and use them on your products page or on blog posts.

Blogs posts are very good for traffic, where you give some free information to your audience and they visit your page to learn how to choose a birthday gift, or what to buy for Women’s day.

Remember – Building trust before selling. Show yourself as an expert in your niche, so people will trust you enough so they decide to buy from you and not from your competitors. No one says that starting a jewelry business would be easy, but failing is still better than not even trying.

Also, why worrying when UIXlabs team is here to help. We can schedule a meeting, take a look at your business problems and we can even create your brand from scratch.